eGov Software for Ministries

e-Office is set to make government offices more efficient and transparent to minimizing the paper work. The tech-savvy Prime Minister Narendra Modi has issued instructions to the ministries to fast-track adoption of e-Office to phase out the use of paper. Therefore, the officials would be trained to operate eFile to ensure effective and transparent inter and intra-government processes. The software is designed by National Informatics Centre (NIC).

e-File is an integral part of e-Office, which is a file tracking system designed to make government departments paperless by scanning, registering and routing the inward correspondence attachment, draft for approvals and movement of files as well as receipts. Once the officials are trained and the system is in place, we will ask the states to send proposals and other documents through the file-tracking channel.

It is now in the fast-track mode after the ‘directive from the top’ in 3rdweek of June 2014. 400 staff in the rural development ministry would be trained within one month on the management of eFile, which will include the features of existing manual handling of files with addition of a more efficient electronic system. The eFile system involves all stages, of inward receipts, creation of files, movement of receipts and files and finally the archival of records. There is more transparency, because the file movements are recorded electronically. 

e-Office simplifies decision making, as all the required information is available at a single point. It envisions a paperless office, with increased transparency, efficiency and accountability of the organization.

(Courtesy: eGov magazine June 2014. It was also posted as Facebok note on 24 June 2014 by


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