(1) Telecom is an essential part of our life style. In other sense, our Mobile Phone number should be our Id. But UPA-2 government could not fulfill its commitment to make a roaming-free nation. Mr Kapil Sibal, minister has broken his own promises thrice.
(2) IEC (Information, Education, Communication) is important for a human-being. The govt has offered Right to Information, and Right to Education; but we are yet striving for Right to Communication.
(3) TRAI(Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) and BIS(Bureau of Indian Standards) are sleeping. Because the cellphone and its accessories are not yet standardized in India. Every manufacturer has their own battery, design, charger, connectivity logic, jack types etc.
(4) When 3G or 4G technology is booming across the globe. India is still promoting 2G handset manufacturers and 2G technology. 2G handset manufacturing should be stopped and only 3G and high end handsets allowed in India to be manufactured and sell.
(5) Odia language is not yet available on all handsets marketed in Odisha.
(6) 'Telecom' is more concentrated day by day with mobile devices. Still broadband is necessary for all GramPanchayat headquarters at least. Because of loose policy, this is far reaching, where as wifi and 4G is the best solution. But central govt is doing business in the name of spectrum auction, where public interest ignored.