TTEs and Trains in India
Railway was the premiere public sector
next to Banking to minimize corruption. Surprisingly TTE Corruption and
Discretion is a growing headache for citizens. Following solutions may be followed by Railway Ministry to address the problem:-
- Authority of distributing the vacant seats must be removed from TTE and their responsibility should be only ensuring the verification of proper tickets
- TTE's should be given a GPRS machine instead of coupon booklet to avoid non-reporting of collected fine
- CC Cameras should be installed in trains
- Vacant seats must be reported at every station via GPRS system by TTE which will be monitored at central located BPO
- These seats should be made available online and automatically allocated to RAC/waitlist passengers in the train or to the passenger boarding on the next station
- Get feedback electronically via mobile/internet on each TTE for their interaction/hospitality with passengers and his increment/promotion must be directly linked to the passenger feedback
- RAC allotment to be made online after chart preparation
- Strict & quick punishment should be given to TTEs indulging in corrupt practices
- Award honest and sincere TTEs
- Increase the number of vigilance officers and inspectors
- Set up a HOTLINE for reporting cases with independent anti-corruption wing for follow up action
- Attitude training for staff including moral issues
- Current booking tickets obtained minutes before departure should also be issued with seat/berth numbers
- Actual position of berth availability should be displayed at all station on real time basis of all the trains so that real status could be known
- Cancellations before the departure time could be allotted the cancelled berths and seats automatically to RAC & Wait listed passengers.
- TTEs should be trained in customer service
- Make a railway mobile app which would give instant info on the empty and cancelled berths and flexibility for somebody book that empty seat immediately.
(Courtesy: Transform India with Modi social media group on